Spectator vol.49 / What is nature?
No matter when or how many times I read it, it only deepens my understanding. Founded in 1999, Spectator is a culture magazine published three times a year by Editorial Department. It delves into one theme in detail.
Special feature: "What is nature?"
■Manga: How have humans viewed nature?
Illustration: Miyu Sekine Original story: Yuichi Akada
Chapter 1: The Christian View of Nature
Chapter 2: The People Who Opened Up Paradise
Chapter 3 The Romantic View of Nature
Chapter 4 The Beginnings of Nature Conservation
Chapter 5 Awakening to Biodiversity
Chapter 6: Silent Spring
Chapter 7: The People's Park Incident
Chapter 8: The Dawn of the Ecology Movement
■ Earth Issues and Ecomodernism
Composition and text: Michikazu Sakurai Illustrations: Tokushige Kawakatsu
・Earth issues and changing views of nature - Why re-read this book now
First, let's compare "WEC" and "WED"
Read Earth Issues (cities are "green" / nuclear power is "green" / genetic engineering is "green" / geoengineering is "probably necessary")
-What is "ecomodernism"?
・Ecomodernism Book Guide ("Spaceship Earth Pilot Manual", "The Illusion of 'Nature'", "Biopunk", "People Who Sell the Earth", "DRAWDOWN", "Remaking the World with Synthetic Technology", "MORE from LESS", "Novacen", "LIFE CHANGING", "Should Extinct Animals Be Revived?", "Food Tech Revolution", "Manipulating the Climate", "My Decision for the Future of the Earth", "Green Giants", "The World in 5000 Days")
■Long interview with three people: My view of nature
Interview and composition: Yoshiharu Tokita, Yuichi Akada (Editorial Department) Illustration: Michio Hisauchi
・Interview with Takashi Uchiyama - Thoughts from a philosopher on the relationship between nature and humans
・ Interview with Masako Sakata - The meaning of "biodiversity" that she learned from a nature guide
・Ask Iseo Nose - Asking the owner of a live music venue, "How should we understand nature?"
- Issued by: Editorial Department Ltd.
- Release date: December 30, 2021
- Page 176

Spectator vol.49 / What is nature?
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