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Spectator vol.36 / コペ転 | LIKE THIS SHOP

Spectator vol.36 / Kopeten


No matter when or how many times I read it, it only deepens my understanding. Founded in 1999, Spectator is a culture magazine published three times a year by Editorial Department. It delves into one theme in detail.

Special feature "Kopeten"

■ Apple selling and the laws of business
Reiichiro Katayama, Representative of Mukai Apple Store
Interview and text by Isayama Mitake

■ Why did I become an air collector?
Akihito Tomisawa, President of Manita Bookstore
Interview and text by Takeshi Ishibashi

■ Publish a book that no one else has published
Takanori Katsui, Representative of Kamenariya
Interview and text by Ken Mamiya

■ This is how I became a foster parent
Manga artist Tomohiro Koizumi
Interview and text by Hiroyuki Moriyama

■ Create a bookstore with your own unique supplies
Seikosha Co., Ltd. Representative, Atsushi Horibe
Interview and text by Takamasa Yamamoto

■ Learning from hemp: sustainable living from 100 years ago
Toshihiko Ueno, CEO of Yasohachiya
Interview and text by Tome Kaneda Yoshihiro

■ Meeting noteworthy people
Representative of Khoja Nasreddin, Nao Ishikawa
Interview and text by Harpo B.
Illustrations by Yoshiko Muto

- Published by Editorial Department Ltd.
- Release date: May 31, 2016
- Page 254

japan made, made in japan, 日本製, 国産
natural ink, natural dye, ナチュラルインク, ナチュラルダイ, 天然染料, 天然顔料
upcycle, アップサイクル
hand work, hand made, ハンドワーク, ハンドメイド, 手仕事
one-off, ワンオフ, 一点もの

Spectator vol.36 / Kopeten
